Sunday, February 17, 2008

with a little help from my friends

covenant has given me better friends than i could have ever asked for. almost as good as my brothers. matter of fact, i think some of them i would consider family. okay like 3. 4 tops. no probably just 3. anyway, ive always been a little skeptical with friends. its not that i dont trust them or anything like that, its just that i sometimes very selfishly assume them to be using my friendship as something for their own individual gain, presenting itself through some form of pressure on me to be someone that i am not. its really frustrating, and ultimately its why my close friends are so close. and so few in number --> i know and believe they arent expecting anything from me apart from me. (not that the others are... i just feel like they are.)

that being said, its sadly very dangerous to be close with a select few. at least for me. this is true bc we get too comfortable. its not like we try to be, we just get that way over time. we look to one another before God. we see sin in each other's lives but it no longer looks like sin. rather it looks like personality or some form of harmless expression. its dangerous. very dangerous. and this is the very thing that i hate! --- with all my heart! i can talk to you all day about how disgusted i am with the somewhat nonchalant, borderline apathetic, very egotistical, and depressingly stagnant approach towards Christianity, outreach, and the building up of community in the body of Christ from which many Christians suffer. and here i am... mister "listen up heathens im here to save the day and point you back to the cross" doing the very things that i supposedly hate. well i really do hate them, i just dont trust and believe in the promises of my King.

so.... as this sin stealthily works its way in and through my close relationships in an ever so deceptive manner, i become blind to my own sin.

----(im never blind to the sin of others. so if you ever need help finding the sin in your life, i am but one call away. we can set up an appointment and in less than thirty minutes i can show you the multitudes of sin in your life. you will see your own sin as you never have before, promises of my thirty minute guarantee, or your money back. the only rules are that you refrain from asking me questions concerning my own life.) ha. that was kinda fun.

anyway, being blind to the sin in each others lives, my friends and i rarely call one another out - even when we can see the sin clear as the nose on your face. and mine. so we just sit there, content with our security in one another, stagnant. that is until monday night...

one of my friends of two years took a stand. it was unexpected, out of the ordinary, and beautifully humiliating. let me lay this out for you:

i get an email from a friend who was not - but is now - considered family. the email expressed a desire to catch up in a sense and "talk about life." i was intrigued and bc i really do enjoy talking one on one with people i was quick to agree. we end up at waffle house late monday night for what was expected in my mind to be a fun time filled with laughter and storytelling. i was a little off in my assumption. (which now seems to be a trend in my life. assumptions = ignorance. for me anyway.) so we sat down, ordered a couple waffles, sipped on some coffee and awaited the guaranteed indigestion which follows any waffle house meal. i can recall the first question word for word: "dane, what are you doing?" i was slightly confused so i responded "eating at waffle house." (sarcasm is always my out, as if you dont already know.) my joke didnt really work and i was greeted with a face of disgust. but it was somehow beautiful. the conversation then developed and i was called out by this friend of mine concerning the manner in which i was living. they asked me to consider my decisions, both large and small, and to weigh their consequences. and what was unique about this was that the main consequence noted was the influence i was having on my friends. i was shocked. i was broken. i was vulnerable. i was helpless, speechless, and humbled. but i was simultaneously loved. cared for. respected. all through a tangible belief in me from my friend, which i know to be possible only through the Spirit actively bearing fruit in their heart. i was so broken at waffle house. so ashamed. but i was so in love. i was actually able to experience the joy of surrender and i can honestly say there is not a better feeling. i saw Christ in my friend and i felt His perfect love. i had been living what i thought to be a worthy life, when in reality i was as far away from Him as i had ever been.

oswald chambers talks about the times we feel apart from God, unable to hear His voice and feel His love. he reminds us that in those times God is still all around us - in commonplace things and even better, our friends. i agree. when we are feeling distant from His voice and love, when the Bible sadly seems to be nothing more than words, our friends serve as a refuge where we can find Him again. through their experiences and words, we should be able to see Him again. and in that we should find some form of desire created by the Spirit living in us to seek after Him in passion and love. my friend did this for me. and whats crazy is that i didnt even look for it - i wasnt looking for refuge, but it came to me anyway. and everything that was said was done so in such a humble manner that it convicted my heart even further. all i could feel was love. even as i sat there speechless and vulnerable i knew i was loved. i never once questioned any motives or intentions of my friend bc i knew it was God speaking to me. even as this friend of mine was confronting me about the sin in my life, calling me out on the things ive been doing wrong, His love surrounded me and it was so beautiful i could actually relax in it. it was perfect love. (this is a skill i lack. maybe its tact. maybe its just a committed relationship to my Savior?)

i could go on and on about how i didnt deserve this treatment from my friend bc of the past and the different directions we have gone, but now i see it as the work of the Holy Spirit. and even though this friend of mine had more than enough reason to neglect me and leave me in my confidently secure pattern of life, it didnt happen bc of their complete submission to Him. im telling you its so beautifully orchestrated, so intricately designed - its more than just a testimony and encouragement to me, its like a revelation of sorts. its pure love. love only possible through Christ. i feel now as though i owe something to my friend. i know that i dont but im just so undeserving of this love. (what a picture of Christ!) its like guilt. ha... guilt. i could make another novel of a post on that.

anyway, i ask for your prayer. i ask that you pray for me wisdom, love, devotion, and complete submission. i want to be one who goes to my friends just as my friend did. i know this is only possible when i submit myself as an instrument for His service. im not completely there yet. for now, its only when im comfortable. only when i want to. but i dont want it to be that way. i want to do His work even when im feeling insecure, uncomfortable, and inadequate. so pray for me that i would rest in His promises because in Him we will not lose. its just not an option. He is forever sovereign. we just have to recognize His definition of victory and forget our own sinful and selfish one.


Burt said...

good friends are truly rare - i pray you have several. even more than that, i pray you and i ARE good friends to many other folks. said...

very convicting post, dane. i also get very comfortable and complacent in my friendships. i am thankful that the Holy Spirit is working in you, growing you, humbling you. continue in the faith, brother.

Malinor said...

it takes a special person to call someone out when you have been in the gutter with them, when you have been in the clouds together. Many times i feel led to call someone out, but realize its not my desire for holiness in their lives but my desire for them to not enjoy something that I have given up or something I piously resisted. It is a keen observation you make about friendship and growing too comfortable with your v.close buds. be that friend to others, even if it puts them out of the circle for a while, just dont do it for the reasons I find in my heart.

BTW you may be on to something with the 30 min and I'll show you your sin or your money back. drop the word sin and insert "negative energy" or something hokey like it. if you could hook up with Dr. Phil and O that could be the next big thing in Hollywood and the uppercruster.